Mutant Weekender is a tournament in London which is an two hour flight for me and the flight is less expensive than the trains to and from the airport. So it was a pretty nice to play in a weekend.
Characters (10)
* Thanos, The Mad Titan (Mind, Space) (8)
Proxima Midnight (3)
Corvus Glaive (Reality) (5)
* Red Skull, Master of the World (4)
Loki, God of Mischief (4)
Baron Zemo (3)
Skurge, The Executioner (3)
Bullseye (2)
Toad (2)
Nebula (2)
Team Tactics (10)
Brace for Impact (R)
Sacrifice (R)
Dark Reign
Blood to Spare
I Am A Baron, After All
Recalibration Matrix
Cosmic Obliteration
Heavy Firepower
Secure Crisis
Demons Downtown! Has Our Comeuppance Come Due? (E, 19)
Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest (E, 15)
Intrusions Open Across City As Seals Collapse (C, 19)
Extract Crisis
Fear Grips World As “Worthy“ Terrorize Cities (D, 18)
Deadly Legacy Virus Cured? (C, 19)
Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership (J, 20)
The list I'm playing haven't changed in forever. I play Black Order but they have an issue of not really working on 15 or 17 threat. So you need to splash with them. The best splash for that is Cabal since their 15 and 17 is decently strong and they're playable.
Skurge and Loki are almost never played. They're just filler characters since why not? Skurge is the best Cabal 3 if you want to go Cabal on 18 on a pay to flip. Loki is fine if you're at 20 threat in a mirror. Very niche picks.
For Tactics card you always play Brace and Sacrifice. If you play Black Order you pick mothership, if you're playing Cabal you pick Dark Reign. If you play Zemo1 you play I'm a Baron. Then you fill with Recall and Heavy Firepower. Not because they're good cards but because every once in a while they might be somewhat useful.
A lot of the tactics cards are more or less useless but there's nothing better out there really. Blood to Spare, which is fine in grindier matchups and especially good on Gamma where it might toss people away but it's only really playable on Thanos and you don't really want Thanos to be flipped so it sucks a bit. Proxima and Corvus have better things to do with their power than playing that card. Cosmic Obliteration is fine if you're forced to play 15 or 17 against Apocalypse. Survival is fine in the mirror if you don't have anything better to play.
The scenarios you play as Black Order is pretty scripted. You have
Game 1
The first game I got Finley Trendall a Webs player. He won prio and picked his secures which I think is a mistake. I'm just too good at webs secures and getting my extracts is rough for him. Especially since my extracts means I'm going to play at 18,19 or 20 which is good for me. He gets scoundrels and I get Deadly Legacy which lets me pick 19. I always want 19 with Black Order. Then you get the triplets and Zemo which in my opinion is the strongest 19 threat in the game.
He goes for Zemo, Spectacular, Black Cat, Gwen, Miles and Fury with the grunts.
I just deploy everything centrally because my two fast movers can reach out to pick up the side legacies very easily.
He starts turn 1 with doing the safe grab with Black Cat with the help of Cat and the Spider.
I send Zemo out to pick up the left Legacy.
He's too scared to leave a model on the midline. So he puts speccy on the back line.
Which means Proxima picks up the right extract.
The grunts walk up and do their shot into Proxima. Sadly he has deployed his Nick a bit too far to the left so he's just a smidge short of being in 3 of Nick as he takes his shot. Which means Nick doesn't get a power for the 1 damage the grunts do into Proxima. So Nick sadly runs to his back point.
I have nothing fun to do so I pass.
Miles wanders to the back point scared of doing anything.
I'm up 2-1 on extracts and I can secure the middle with Thanos so I don't feel the need to do anything. Corvus just walks up to the middle and calls it a day.
Gwen doesn't like Corvus being on the middle so she walks up and shoots a pushshot into him, but I'm backstopped very cleverly on the little flag but Gwen pulls me off with webline anyway so life is rough.
So Thanos just goes on Janitor duty, He double walks to the middle and uses space/portal to put Proxima and Corvus on their points. Then he uses the mind gem to mov Gwen into position to where Corvus can kill her next turn.
Lastly Zemo double runs over to my left back home point. Leaving the turn on 4-4 which is a great first turn if you're against webs
Corvus starts the turn by a deaths decreed + counting blanks builder just putting Gwen into the dirt. Then doing a yellow attack into evil Zemo to build a power.
He Jumps up with Miles and puts a big swing into Proxima and does 2 more damage leaving her on 2 left. He also gets the wild which tosses Proxima away, he then walks to my right point and stands there proud of his work.
My Zemo flips I'm a baron for power and goes into his Zemo. The first attack only does a single damage and then the deathts decreed masterswordsmanned strike does 3 more leaving evil Zemo on 1.
His Zemo then goes for a swing, but fails only giving a bleed and Good Zemo counterstrikes and does a damage.
I have nothing important to do so I pass.
Black Cat double runs over to the other side because it's further from Zemo.
Proxima walks up to the point and does a stab into Miles but does nothing.
Grunts walks up and shoots into Proxima and does 1 damage leaving her on 1 but still they were outside of 3 from Nick. Nick then walks up and takes a shot into Thanos in cover but fails to do any damage.
Thanos then spaces down and pulls in Miles for an attack, but Nick Fury now has 3 power so he spends it to Eye in the Sky, which I think is a huge mistake. Sure it gets him back on the point and safe, but then I just pull in Nick with my mind gem and punch Nick instead. It would've been much better to save that for an attack from Corvus.
Specky walks up and does a push shot into Zemo but doesn't get the wild and even if he did the way I back stopped myself I was probably fine.
The turn ends 4-3 for a 8-7 score.
Proxima starts the turn with doing the last couple of points into Nick. Then passes the turn to Corvus.
Corvus does a Deathsdecreed spender into Gwen just to end her. My placement to try and backstop Zemo from pushes meant that Corvus couldn't walk over to evil Zemo and stab him so instead I walked over to Miles with the spender movement. Then my trigger attack did nothing. Which meant I didn't have power to count blanks, which meant killing Miles was not likely. So instead I killed the grunts to scored an extra VP and limit the ability of Nick to clap back.
Evil Zemo then charged into Proxima, did the last point of damage, stole her thing and ran away.
I didn't have anything important to do so I passed.
Black cat didn't feel safe so she double ran back to the point she was on before.
Thanos didn't like that so he pulled Zemo back to himself and punched Zemo twice for 4 damage. Then I portalled and space stoned Zemo into the middle. Which would've given me two rerolls if I did it in a better order. Oh well.
Miles kicked Corvus twice to try and win the point but didn't roll a wild.
Zemo then stabbed evil Zemo and fluffed but the second stab did the 1 damage needed but he didn't get to pick up the Legacy since my opponent played Fallback to keep the extract out of my hands.
Speccy then jumped around, picked up the extract and moved to his back point.
Meaning it was a 2-4 turn but I scored 2 vp's for KOing so it was a 12-11 game.
Corvus and Proxima start the turn by killing Nick and dazing Miles.
Speccy tries to roll dice into Proxima but fails.
Zemo just ends Speccy.
Black Cat walks up and Staggers Thanos. Getting the wild to walk away.
Thanos then just walks over to a point and I score 5-2. Ending the game 19-13
Playing Webs against Black Order is rough. You really need to be on point with everything and get some lucky dice to get through that matchup and my opponent made some mistakes while also not getting the good dice needed.
Game 2
The second game I got Ed Morgan a Mephisto player. My takeaway from Mephisto is that he's a very good five threat but his leadership doesn't synergize with him. He's much better under for example Shadowlands Daredevil or Redskull3 leadership and when Thanos gets addressed I'm going to test Mephisto and X-23 as a replacement for my 15 solution.
He wins prio picks him extracts gets Montesi. I pull Intrusions. Which lets me pick 19. He picks Thanos with space reality, Mephisto and Thor2 as his team.
He can't really pick up the middle so he just durdles around with Mephisto and picks up a book.
Zemo does the same but is slightly braver in my advancement.
Thor 2 durdles around slightly outside his deployment. Since if he passes I activate husband and wife and I have Prio.
So my Thanos walks, space himself forward, then he sends Thor2 and Mephisto backwards with Protal/mind gem. Then he picks up the book and runs home.
Evil Thanos places Mephisto back into his spot, before he double walks forward, and portals my Thanos into my deployment.
Corvus and Proxima doesn't feel the need to do anything special so they just walk around a bit. Which means the turn ends 2-2
He starts the turn with his Thanos spacing forwards, portalling Zemo before Evil Thanos onetaps Zemo, picks up the book and walks away.
So my Thanos fishes his Thanos back into the fold and I start beating him up but fails to do that very important one damage meaning I don't have deaths decree this turn.
His Mephisto walks up and does an attack into Thanos doing no damage but also does a How can I be of service into Thanos which doesn't do anything since it can max do one damage and I reduce which means he doesn't do damage and if he doesn't do damage he doesn't get his token. Of course he was too far back so he couldn't hit Proxima or Corvus but still it was a bad usage of 2 power.
Proxima then goes into Thanos and does 4 damage which leaves me with a hard choice. If I daze Thanos I'm auto winning this game because then I open with prio and just kills him. So I can either walk up hit Thanos with a counting blanks builder which has 36% chance to get him. Or I can burn Mothership to get him in range and then roll one attack, hoping to do a damage(68%) to be able to count blanks on the second attack. As the greed lord I am I burn Mothership, fail to do the damage, and then fail to do any damage at all with my second attack since life is rough when you don't count blanks.
His Thor walks up, tosses himself forward, does an attack into Thanos, doing 4 damage and pushing him away, with two zaps into Corvus and Proxima.
All of a sudden the dice are not looking good for me and I start to wonder if I can actually lose this game after all.
I score 1 and my opponent scores 3 for a 3-5 game state.
But I have Prio so Proxima starts by hitting Thor, bating out the counterstrike, and doing a couple of points of damage into Thor. Then Corvus puts a counting blank attack into Thanos, dealing 3 damage and leaving him on one but it's more important to daze Thor2 so I put a counting blanks spender into Thor. Which finishes him, and I don't get the trigger for my free attack.
Thanos hits Zemo twice and kills him before he moves my Thanos away and spaces backwards inside of 2 of Mephisto so he can heal with Patch up
I jump my Thanos into the middle and pull his Thanos back into the fray, and send his Mephisto away with mind gem. Then I put a 8 dice spender into Evil Thanos and deal 3 damage.
Mephisto walk back and does an attack Thanos dealing 2 damage leaving me on 2.
I forgot to take a picture here but we're all standing in a clump the same as last turn. He scores 3 again and I 1. Meaning the game is 4-8.
I start the turn by putting down Thor2 and dealing the damage needed into Thanos.
Mephisto then does the 2 damage needed into Thanos to daze him and dazes Proxima.
Meaning he scores 1 vp and I nothing but 1 vp for killing Thor so a 5-9 game.
Corvus and Proxima kills Thanos.
Mephisto tries to kill Thanos but fails.
So Thanos tries to put 8 dice yellows into Mephisto to slow him but doesn't get the wild. So I just move him into a position where I don't have to care about him.
Scoring me 2-1 this turn for a 7-10 score
Mephisto dazes Corvus which means I can't win this turn but I also can't really lose this turn.
So I just score my 4 points and let him score 1 for an 11-11 finish on turn 6.
He then goes into Corvus but I survive and I daze him in return before I spread out and score all 6 points for an 17-11 finish.
The early dice made that a lot more interesting that I thought it would be. The one VP for killing Thor meant I didn't need to roll dice towards the end and could just safely coast to the end of the game.
Game 3
So then it was time for the dangerous opponents. I got Nick Cork who had just beaten Pat. He was playing a crims and Asgard duo affiliation. He won prio on the fourth roll because we rolled the same 3 times in a row. He picked his extracts got Hammers and I got my Gamma. Which means I know that I'm facing Asgard. I feel like it's easier to beat Asgard on 18 than on 15 so I go for that.
He goes for Thor, , Loki2, N'Kantu and Bill. While I play the wonder triplets and Toad.
I walk up Toad and pick up the left hammer since I have a little cover there.
He double walks up Bill and picks up the Hammer there.
Thanos space forward, picks up a hammer, walks up and pulls in Bill. I then smack him with 7 dice but fail to do any damage. Sad Thanos noises. No deaths decree this turn oh well.
Loki then double walks forward and for Asgard Bill back to safety.
But this leaves Loki in the danger zone. So Proxima walks up, punches him does 3 damage.
N'kantu walks up and picks up his back hammer but is just lazy back there.
Then Corvus and Proxima uses Mothership and 2 attacks later Loki is dazed.
Thor double walks to the middle to make sure he scores 4 to my 3.
Toad and Bill each take a damage from the Gamma.
I forget to take a picture here but I remember after Thanoses turn.
Loki2 plays survival. So Thanos starts and Puts an attack into Thor2, I do 2 damage and I get the wild but I slightly fail the angle on the throw so I get him into the truck instead of into N'kantu. It was a tight fit and I don't know if it was possible but those damage points could've mattered later. I then move away Thor2 with portal. Mind away Loki2 and just walk to my back point.
My thinking here is that I will go behind on points but I will win the fight later. This is when I remember to take the picture.
Bill walks to within 2 of Corvus and throws Corvus away before he walks to the middle.
Toad runs back and chills 2 behind my back point.
Loki walks backwards and chills on his point and uses go forth to move Thor2 forward a bit again.
Proxima does a 5+2 dice yellow into Bill doing no damage. Then she walks to my back point again.
N'kantu just chills on the back.
Corvus walks up and does a yellow attack into Bill with a deaths decree doing 3 damage. This since it puts me on 5 power so I'll have a full spender next round to start the turn with.
Thor then walks, spenders Thanos to toss him off the point and since I didn't put Corvus on the point since he wanted to do the yellow attack he ties my back point.
So that's a 2-4 turn and we're at 5-8. Which is kinda fine but definitely not where I wish to be.
So Proxima goes into Thor doing a couple of points of damage. Then Corvus does a deaths decreed builder and puts him down. The issue now is that if I daze Bill I lose prio and then I can't kill Thor next turn. So I just shift back to the point.
Bill walks up, tosses Corvus off the point and then walks back to the middle.
Toad then tries to be the hero that does 2 damage to Bill, so he walks up and does a deathsdecreed lick into Bill but fails to kill him.
This lets N'kantu walk up and do a spender into Toad who takes 4 and gets dazed because of the 1 he took from Gamma. Meaning N'kantu has 2 hammers and life is sad.
Thanos moves Corvus back into position before he walks up, pulls in Bill and punches him. Which does no damage.
Loki2 then moved up, pulled Bill to safety and did an attack into Corvus which moved him off the point.
I once again forgot to take a picture but everyone is in a scrum in the middle. It's 8-12 and the game is looking really really bad.
I need some really good dice to kill Thor2 through Odins. So Proxima goes first does 2 damage in two attacks and Nick plays fallback on the second attack which means Corvus can't attack anything.
So Corvus has to walk up and do a spender into N'kantu and puts the flurry into Thor2 doing another 2 damage. Then uses the move to walk in the way of Thor jumping into Thanos. I make a mistake here when I place the hammer I can't afford to pick up with Corvus. I place it slightly too close soThor2 can pick it up with
Thor then goes into Thanos but Brace and Sacrifice means I live on 1.
Thanos then goes and puts two attacks into Bill who takes 1 damage and lives.
Bill the strikes Thanos and I live through it before he walks away instead of trying again which strikes me as odd but he's scared of Toad licking him to death.
Which is totally correct because then Toad goes battle mode and does 4 damage into Thor2 with 2 spenders and a deaths decree.
Loki then walks up and does a spender into my whole team. He gets the 1 damage needed into Thanos and I drop my hammer. He then moves Thor into the middle and he scores his 4 to exactly win the game.
He scores 4 to take him to 16 for a 10-16 loss.
Bill is living on 1, Thor is on 1. Both Corvus and Thanos would daze to the Gamma so they would be back to full health and fighting. Loki would more or less be alone. It would be easy for me to clean up this game and end it but when you toss around 40 dice into Bill and get 4 damage out of it. It's a rough time.
Game 4
For the fourth game I got Ron Wilde who was playing Asgard as well. So I knew I was in for a fight. I got Prio so I picked my secures and got Gamma, he pulled Deadly Legacy. Which means the fight was either 19 which is super favored for me or 15 which is more of a toss up. Ron makes the right choice and goes for 15.
He plays Sif, Thor, Loki2. I play the Cabal 15.
Zemo starts by walking to my back Gamma and chilling there.
Loki walks to 2 from his back Gamma as safe as possible and move forth Thor2.
Thanos then double walks forward and puts Thor2 almost on his table edge, before I space back and pick up the extract.
Sif then walks forward and charges into Thanos and gets the trigger for the push. Which is trouble. This is a play I usually don't think about since they play Bill but yeah I was sloppy and should've waited one turn more with activating Thanos.
So then Red Skull double walks forward and picks up an extract.
Thor then walks up and does a shot into Thanos, which does no damage but gets the push trigger and a zap so he pushes me towards Red Skull and Zaps him.
This ends the turn 3-2
Zemo Flips I'm a baron for extra power and charges into Sif for a Master Swordsman and Deaths Decreed attack. Which does 4 damage, I then do another Master Swordsman attack and I daze her.
Loki then Goes forth on Thor, walks up and puts a shot into Zemo which does nothing.
Red Skull double walks up and sends Thor to the shadow realm.
Thor walks up, jumps into Redskull for 2 more damage, then does an attack into Thanos dealing 4 damage and I feel like oh shit here we go again.
Thanos does a full spender into Thor hoping to get the wild but I don't get it. But I still use my mind and portal to send Thor2 to his board edge before I walk back and jump to my back point.
Ending the turn 4-1 for a 7-3 turn.
Sif wakes up and puts the 2 damage more needed into RedSkull. Then she charges Thanos and does a spender which does the 3 damage needed to daze him. Life is looking grim.
Zemo does a spender into Sif to get away from the fight and then does a strike into her. Doing 2 damage total. Which lets him pick up the token dropped by Thanos
Loki then goes forth Thor and walks to the middle where he does an attack into Zemo for two damage.
Thor then double walks towards Thanos to be relevant the next turn.
Ending the turn 10-5.
Red Skull sees the option for the dream turn. So he jumps back into Deathsdecree range and does a 9 dice blue attack into Thor to try and build enough power to do the dream spender but gets 2 hits on 9 dice with a Zemo reroll so yeah that's not happening. and since he needs to have the power on himself to do a spender even if Thanos pays for it he can't do a spender. So he just tosses the size 2 into Thor who blocks it all. Then the 5 dice yellow does 3 damage into Thor.
So then Sif goes into Zemo and with two attacks does the 3 damage needed but she takes 1 from bleed and 1 from a counter strike which means she's on 3 damage.
Thanos jumps up and does a spender into Thor and by some magical bullshit does the 5 damage needed to daze Thor. Then he does a spender into Sif and deals 2 damage and pushes her away before he uses the mind gem to walk Loki away.
Loki walks up, tosses an attack into Red Skull dealing 2 damage and then go forthing Sif onto the point which means she doesn't die to the gamma damage. I missed that. I should've eaten one more attack with Thanos to Guarantee her death.
This ends the turn 0-3 and the game is shifting It's now 10-8. I'm still ahead by 2 but the grind is not going well and he has an undamaged Loki that can just walk anywhere Thanos goes to stop me from scoring points. So it's time to fight.
I forgot to take a picture but Thor2 and Sif are standing on my Gamma and Loki on the middle. While I have Zemo and Thanos on my Gamma and Red Skull on the middle.
So Red Skull starts the turn by going into Thor2 with a deaths decreed builder. Which might've been greedy since I have 3 hp left but I have to gamble a bit when I'm this down. I do enough damage to where I force Odins. He then counterstrikes me for 2 damage and since my crit had rolled into a skull Pity kills me.
So Thor just brutally murders Zemo.
Thanos then kills Sif, picks up her thing, moves Thor away with the mind gem and walks plus space move away to the right legacy that has been there the whole game. I then pick that up which means I'm scoring 2.
Loki walks puts Thor back on the point and walks to the middle for a 4 point swing.
Meaning the game is 12-11
Ron has to go for it. Thor walks and does a spender into Thanos, before he tosses himself into Thanos, dealing 5 damage into Thanos and forcing my Brace. If he tosses me to the side then I get to kill Thor so he tosses me towards Loki and we go 15-15 even which means Thanos just auto wins the fight later since he got 2 extracts.
But since he threw me inwards that means I can do a spender into Loki, pushing him away and slowing him. Then use the mind gem to get him even further back and finally just walk away to my back point and be safe.
Loki the walks to his back point and that ends the game 15-13
Fighting Asgard is rough but yeah get ahead on points early, then score enough that they can't win so you can just run away turn 5 safely and it's very beatable.
A 3-1 record with 1.88 SOS and 61 VP got me to 13'th place and scored me a seeding into Alpha level or group 2.
I really do wish there was another round. Seeding 80 players into pods with only 4 games felt a bit rough. 8 players had the same SoS and the worst 3-1 went into group 4 which is pretty rough. Maybe next year the 3-1's and onwards could play a fifth game to seed them into the different top groups?
Overall Weekender was a great experience. The flight, train, hotel and food cost me about 4000 sek. Which is a week of part time work for me. I had great games and thank you to everyone in London that made me feel so welcome there. I hope to see you all in May if I can make that work.
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