Nation Event Singles

Then on the Sunday was the singles event. I had booked the latest flight I could possibly book which meant I needed to leave Stockport at 16. Which was when the fourth round was meant to start, so I had no chance of playing to the end, but the schedule wasn't known when I signed up for it. I thought 4 games would be easy to do in 7 hours but yeah I guess that was a bit optimistic of me.

I couldn't switch much from my Teams roster because I was flying with the models, so I just switched out Rocket and Bob for Toad and Bullseye.

Characters (10)
* Thanos, The Mad Titan (Mind, Space) (8)
Proxima Midnight (3)
Corvus Glaive (Reality) (5)
* Red Skull, Master of the World (4)
Baron Zemo (3)
Bullseye (2)
Toad (2)
Nebula (2)
* Mystique (3)
Loki, God of Mischief (4)

Team Tactics (10)
Sacrifice (R)
Brace for Impact (R)
Dark Reign
Cosmic Obliteration
I Am A Baron, After All
Fall Back
Recalibration Matrix
Power of the Cosmos
Blood to Spare

Secure Crisis
Intrusions Open Across City As Seals Collapse (C, 19)
Demons Downtown! Has Our Comeuppance Come Due? (E, 19)
Gamma Wave Sweeps Across Midwest (E, 15)

Extract Crisis
Alien Ship Crashes In Downtown! (C, 17)
Fear Grips World As “Worthy“ Terrorize Cities (D, 18)
Deadly Legacy Virus Cured? (C, 19)

Currently I'm looking at alternatives to Mystique, I don't think she's good enough with the nerf to Deception, but the only time I would possibly play that 3 is when I want to play Cabal on 18. I'm thinking Taskmaster would be better as an objective runner but I'm uncertain and it's so rare that I'm forced onto 18 and want to play Cabal, since I feel like Black Order is very strong on Hammers.

Game 1

I got Darkundo from one of the the Italian WTC teams with his Webs. I won priority and took my extracts and pulled Hammers. While he got Cosmic Invasion. So he had to pick between 16 and 18. He took one look at my list and picked 18. I don't understand why people don't want to play against Black Order on 16 :D

He deploys super heavy on the right side to dissuade Bullseye from taking that Hammer. So Proxima takes the left Hammer.

Lizard then picks up the right Hammer. 

Thanos then uses the space stone, picks up my hammer then double walks and picks up his home hammer. Finally he makes Miles walk away from me with Mind stone on just the off chance he spiked enough to do his spender and make me drop them.

Rhino walked over, hit Thanos and did 2 damage. For a second my heart jumped up into my heart before I remembered that Robbery was nerfed. So I got to keep my Hammers.

I passed. 

Black Cat walked up and failed to do damage to Thanos

Bullseye double moved to my back point.

ASM thought it would be fun to join Bullseye.

So Corvus decided to not use Mothership to his point and instead just walked up and smacked ASM, dealing no damage and giving ASM 1 power because he rolled a crit and I didn't get the pierce to take it away.

Miles then walked around like a coward and hid behind the blue house like a coward. The most cowardly coward of the coward world.

Thanos standing next to two stealers with two hammers doesn't seem like my idea of fun. So he paid 3 for a spender and rolled 10 dice into Black Cat, which resulted in 4 damage, but more importantly got the wild onto her. Thanos then double moved Rhino into the corner before he space gemed and walked to hang out by Proxima as a sacrifice target if something crazy happens.

Lizard activates and stands on his point, happy to score 2 vp with 3 threat.

Corvus counts blanks and puts down ASM with some help from his Thanos cheer squad.

Rhino then walks back to the back point.

Bullseye shifts a slight bit.

Miles moves into range to walk and spender Thanos.

Which also is range for Proxima to start dealing damage so she walks over and smacks him, dealing no damage.

Black cat jumps up onto the car, and then staggers Proxima before she gets out of range again. 

Leading to 10-6

Proxima shakes the stagger and runs back to her position before she tells Corvus it's his turn to be cool. So he puts down ASM and uses mothership to daze Zemo with a spender counting blanks. He gets the trigger on the spender so he even tries to go hit Black  Cat for the one damage needed but she blocks it all.

Rhino decides it's his turn to be awesome, so he stampeeds over, robs Thanos and runs away with two hammers.

Bullseye does 4 damage into Rhino with a spender and a normal shot. 

Black cat staggers Corvus and runs away. 

Thanos moves to the point and moves Corvus onto his home D.

Then Lizard decided 2 VP isn't good enough so he double runs and tosses Corvus away. 

Ending the turn 14-10

Corvus has 7 power and Miles is in range. So he just kills Miles and uses the spender move to walk back to the point.

Then Rhino runs away.

Proxima stands on a point.

Black cat stands on a point.

Bullseye stands on a point.

Lizard stands on a point.

Thanos spaces, walks, spaces Lizard off the point, before he shoots Black Cat and finally does that last point of damage.

Ending the game 19-16. The nerf to Robbery does matter a lot and Thanos is really good at stealing peoples hammers because they don't do that much damage to him. It's better if he doesn't have to pick up his home hammer as well but ASM would just run over to steal my home hammer if I didn't take both so it's best to let Thanos go in there.

Game 2

Next I get Connor, the captain of the winning team yesterday, but he's not playing webs like he was the day before instead he's playing Defenders.  I win Prio, I pick my secures because he has a pay to flip and I don't while his extracts are mine except I don't play researcher because it's boring.

He picks 19 Threat and gets Wolverine Namor, Daredevil, Wong, Shang-Chi I pick Black Order and Zemo. 

In the first power phase he plays Street smarts to make my mind gem useless.

Wong gives a power to Namor so the charge is online

Zemo walks up and stands in position just out of the charge range but so he can give rerolls to everyone standing on the researcher.

Then Wolverine runs up to the side point.

Proxima stands on the researcher.

Shang-Chi runs up and stands on the other side.

Thanos double walks forward, then places Namor backwards before he places himself backwards with the space stone to stand on the point
Daredevil runs to the right flank.

Corvus goes and stands on the researcher

Namor pays two to stop me from scoring the researcher and then walks over to the left side.

That ends the turn 1-2. 

So Corvus jumps through the portal and with counting blanks and help from Thanos he just kills Namor. Then he spenders Wolverine and gets the trigger to daze wolverine before he shifts back and tells Proxima to come over. So Proxima just double runs and stands on that portal Body blocking Shang Chi and Daredevil from jumpint through the portal and smacking Corvus with their horrible stun attacks.

Shang-Chi jumps through the portal and starts beating on poor innocent Thanos, Dealing 3 damage.

Zemo then beats Shang-Chi back and does 4 damage.

Wong walks up and heals Shang-Chi.

Then Thanos punches Shang-Chi, who takes a damage and is thrown. After the throw he fallbacks into the waiting arms of Wong. So I do a spender with 8 dice Yellow into him, but it is sacrificed into Wong. Who only takes 1 but it's a wild so he's pushed away. Then mind stone moves Shang-Chi away and the space stone moves Zemo onto the researcher.

Daredevil jumps through the portal, tries to beat up Zemo but he's not getting good dice rolls so Zemo stands there like a boss. Forcing daredevil to jump back out because I win the researcher anyway.

Ending the turn 5-3.

Corvus starts with trying to put Namor in the dirt. The first attack does 6 damage but the Princes protection pushes me out of range for a decent second attack, so I do the 4 dice yellow but he blocks it. Then it's up to Proxima who only needs to do one and she does it with the first attack. But the push on princes protection has screwed up killing Wolverine so Proxima just has to run into position to protect Thanos.

Wolverine charges and spenders Thanos but Thanos Sacrifices it to Proxima, who takes 3 damage and is thrown into Corvus that takes 1. 

Wolverine then tries to spender Corvus to get them both down, Corvus takes 1 again and they brace the throw damage.

Thanos Punches Wolverine dealing 4 points of damage over two attacks then I put him off the researcher and Corvus on it, just in case.

Daredevil Jumps through the portal, fails, jumps through the portal, fails again and life is sad. So he double runs to contest the researcher.

Zemo then goes after Daredevil and totally fails but luckily since the failed jumps Daredevil doesn't have the power to clap back.

Wong heals Shang-Chi and shakes the slow.

Shang-Chi then charges in but is just out of 2 of Corvus so he pushes Proxima into Thanos for her Stun.

Corvus starts with a spender into Shang-Chi, gets the trigger and kills Wolverine, then he does a counting blanks strike into Daredevil and dazes him as well.

So opponent only has Wong left

Zemo and Proxima run to one point each.

Then Wong comes to the middle

Thanos Bullies Wong and makes sure he's standing off the point.

That ends the turn 11-3

Shang Chi Dazes Corvus and Proxima.

Thanos Moves Daredevil the heck away from me with two spenders and a stone.

Wong Moves a medium and tries to get inside of 3 of Daredevil to get the slow off but he's just short so he double runs to the researcher.

Zemo stands on his point.

Daredevil shakes the slow, walks up to Thanos and strikes him with his super power but fails to do the 2 damage needed to daze Thanos.

That ends the game 16-6

My dice were just incredible consistent this game and there were no incredible spikes from my opponent that put a wrench in my plan. 

Then it's time for lunch which today was a bag of thin potato chips and 2 sliders but at least the sliders had sauce today. So that was an improvement.

Then the third game I got matched up with Quinn testing out the new Asgardians. I got prio but we had exactly the same scenarios. So he got demons down town and I pulled Deadly Legacy. Which meant it was 19 points.

He picked Bill, Thor, New Loki and Killmonger.

I picked my standard 19.

Proxima started by picking up the right extract. 

Loki durdled on the back line and put up Thor.

Zemo picked up the left Legacy.

Killmonger Durdled up on the container.

Thanos space stoned, walked up, put Thor back into his place, before he picked up the legacy virus and walked home.

Bill went and stood on the middle.

Corvus went and stood within 2 but outside of 1 of the objective.

Thor then double walked upwards to be within 2 of Bill and within 3 of Loki. 

Proxima started with 5 dice yellow into Thor and placed herself in the way from jumping into Corvus. Then she used her strike on him as well totalling 4 damage. Then it was Corvus turn. He counted blanks and Thanos was the cheer squad when he hit Bill. Resulting in 5 damage, which wasn't enough to afford his spender into Thor as I had hoped, but another strike with counting blanks would daze Bill so he Odins and then nice punched the 1 damage and Bill was standing. 

Then New Thor and Bill did Brothers in Arms, before New Thor decided to roll hot and killed both Proxima and Corvus in one attack each. Then he Patched up Bill to full health. Which wasn't optimal power usage but such things happen when you aren't expecting to spike that hard.

I didn't feel like I had anything to do really so I passed.

So Killmonger moved backwards into position for the next turn.

Zemo ran away back home, making sure I was within 2 of Corvus for the next turn.

Loki backed up Thor and then durdled on the back.

Since Brothers in arms is a thing Thanos can't move Bill and Thor with his abilities, so he spaced, walked and did an 8 dice spender into Thor but didn't get the wild. So instead he moved Loki and Killmonger away.

Bill then hit Thanos twice and did 3 damage before throwing him off the middle point.

Proxima started the turn with doing the last two to Thor. Then all of my characters walked backwards into my bunker position. Since I didn't want to lose prio and Bill wasn't looking very dangerous to me, I just walked Corvus backwards. 

Killmonger played Tricksters boon and Charged into Thanos with a spender. Dealt 2 damage with a psy ops strike and got the wild for the stagger.. Then he tried to do another one but Corvus stepped in front of it with Sacrifice. Dealing 3 damage but not getting the wild.

Thanos activated and did an 8 dice spender into Bill, getting the wild to pushing him but dealing no damage, but then my dastardly opponent used his leadership to roll out of a block to take 1 damage so he could aggressive back, but Thanos just used portal and mind to get him out of my hair, before I shifted backwards with space. 

Loki ran down the board.

Zemo Decided now would be a good time to try and Daze Killmonger to set up for a kill and better chance to score out before Thanos gets flipped but with two master swordsman strikes he only did 4 damage.

Then bill came running back into the fight. I think there was a big mistake here where he didn't put Bill 1 further back to score the middle portal.  


So now it's time for The Corvus Show. He pays 3 for blanks and does a spender into Loki but it gets sacrificed to Bill, who once again takes 5 damage and I get my trigger. I make a big mistake here I do my free attack into Bill dazing him instead of dazing kill monger with it who is the bigger threat.
After that I do a stroke with counting blanks and hit Loki, only doing 6 damage with a 9 dice counting blanks, reality gem, wild pierce, and a Zemo reroll. Which you know is fine.... Totally fine... Not at all stressing me out nope nope. 

Oh well. Proxima goes and deals with Kill monger and then does a spender into Loki but he blocks it all. 

I totally don't see how the game goes from 100% won to maybe lost in front of my eyes. I start to feel that little bit of panic that the dice are going to steal another game from me.

Loki Activates, does a spender, which does the 3 damage needed to daze Thanos, the one to push proxima into danger and nothing into Zemo, while doing 1 into Corvus and walking him back home. So then Loki does an attack into Zemo, which does 4 damage and since I've rolled a skull he can pay 1 to do one extra damage which dazes Zemo. So Yay!

Then Thor walks up and executes Proxima in cold blood.


I'm so annoyed at my dice that I forgot to take a picture here. 

Zemo starts with killing Killmonger with a spender with master swordsman and Thanos cheer squad. Then he does a spender with master swordsman into Loki and the fucker survives.... Again... I roll 3 skulls in the initial roll and I'm so done with this game.

Loki walks, picks up the Last extract and runs back to his home. He also moves Thor back to help protect him from Thanos.

Which means Thanos has to go kill him or it's game over so he places forward, walks and does 8 dice yellow into him, finally doing the 1 damage needed to kill that fucker. I also pick up 2 extracts. Then I move Thor away from me, but I'm sloppy and I don't measure the 3 correctly so he's still in. Whoops.

So he tosses two attacks, a car and himself into me. Doing 6 damage into Thanos.

Corvus walks to the back point and hangs out there. 

Bill walks back, does a god hunter into Thanos for 2 damage. Then he tosses a light post into Thanos. If I block one I win the game. But I don't. So I still win the game :D

Bill, Loki and Thor all spent all their power so none of them had the 4+2 needed to pick up all the viruses so because I go up to 13 points with Corbus standing on the back point and he can only score 7 points total which is only bringing him up to 12. 

So I win turn 6 with 13-12 after my characters just run into the corners and let him score the max 6 points. 

Those dice were a tilter that match but still I clutched it out anyway.

But since the tournament was running so slow, I wouldn't have time for a fourth game. So I dropped and ended 4 out of 61 players not even playing the fourth game because I beat 3 really good players so my Strength of Schedule was really good. 
